After seeing the speed limit reduced from 45 to 40mph, upon the completion of the widening of Telegraph Road by Wegman’s, community members have been inspired to discuss with VDOT about whether a lower speed limit may be appropriate for Newington’s portion of Telegraph Road.
Interested in getting involved and supporting this initiative? We may soon embark on a letter writing campaign. Sign up to receive notifications on when this campaign will begin, as well as additional resources on how to make this an effective movement.
Newsletter Signup
Information from VDOT on slowing down motorists in local communities:
How Can I Get Motorists To Slow Down In My Neighborhood?
Contact the state or local police if motorists are consistently traveling at speeds higher than what is posted on your street. Additionally, for roads maintained by VDOT there are various neighborhood traffic programs to address speeding or other issues in your neighborhood. See here for details.
How Can I Get A Speed Limit Lowered Or Raised?
If you believe there is a need to change a speed limit or for other questions, contact your local VDOT residency office. The local VDOT District Traffic Engineer has the authority to increase or decrease speed limits and considers whether a review of a particular speed limit is warranted based on VDOT’s “Speed Limit Change Process” policy. See the policy here for details.